Sunday, November 8, 2009

Please Pray!

This post comes a few days late, but that is how I operate. Hopefully by now everyone knows and has adjusted to Day Light Savings Time. Well my little Gracie Lynn had a tough time. She was used to waking up between 7:15 and 7:45, which is amazing and I won't complain one bit. When DLS hit, she was then waking up at 6:15. Paige and I are not early risers most of the time. Needless to say, we had to let her stay in bed by herself for a few minutes each morning to try and get her regulated.

I was fine with her being a little upset for a few minutes each morning so that she could learn her new wake up time. As this went on, my heart began to break more and more each morning. I love my daughter, don't get me wrong, but my heart was not breaking because my daughter was crying. My heart was breaking for the orphans that don't have anyone to bring them comfort when they are crying. I was ok with her crying a little because I knew in ten minutes we would go and wrap her in our arms and she would smile immediately. The orphans around the world don't have that hope. They aren't going to get scooped up and have that love from a father or mother. They don't have anyone to greet them each morning or tuck them in each night. Praise God for the workers at these orphanages, but there is not enough of them to go around and only so many babies they can hold at one time.

As Christians, our heart should break for these children. Please remember them in your prayers and ask God to prick your heart for the ways you can be the hands and feet of Jesus to the orphans.



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